BCThubs in the European Maritime Day (EMD)

The Superintendence of Cultural Heritage and project partner AquaBioTech Group recently organised a BCThubs booth (21) at European Maritime Day (EMD) in Svendborg, Denmark on 30-31 May 2024. SCH and ABT were pleased to join forces with Atlantis project partner, in the stand next to BCThubs.
The EMD 2024 is being organised by the European Commission, the Municipality of Svendborg, and the Danish Maritime Authority. BCThubs participated as part of a space where ‘Ocean Leaders Meet,’ offering an engaging and interactive platform to discuss the current state of the blue economy and marine environment and explore future advancements.
During the event, the SCH and ABT showcased the BCThubs project communication materials, including brochures, a project video presentation, and the WP2 poster. These resources were shared with stakeholders and visitors, allowing them to build connections around innovative technologies and services aligned with Research and Innovation. Their efforts aimed to strategize collective stakeholder initiatives to advance Underwater Cultural Heritage (UCH) collaborations and co-create solutions for a sustainable blue economy. The primary goal of their participation was to establish the BCT ecosystem.
Read more about BCThubs’ involvement in this year’s European Maritime Day in Denmark.