The SCH Secures GeoSpatial Data on WWII Pillboxes – Battlefront Malta Agreement

The Superintendence of Cultural Heritage has just signed an agreement with Battlefront Malta to secure the acquisition of GeoSpatial data relating to WWII defence posts, pillboxes and associated structures mapped by Battlefront Malta. This Data Set will include vital information on these military structures, including photographs and precise GPS coordinates.
The transfer of this Data will enhance the Superintendence’s existing GIS Interface, which is perpetually updated with the latest data on known cultural heritage assets and refined for accuracy by the Superintendence’s National Inventory team within the National Inventory, Research and Archaeology Unit. The information from this Data Set will be available to the public in full on this GIS Interface as part of the SCH’s powers and tasks conferred upon it by Chapter 445 to keep and maintain the National Inventory. The GIS interface will always acknowledge Battlefront Malta as the source of this data.
The Superintendence hereby expresses its gratitude to Battlefront Malta for this significant project and for their welcomed collaboration in securing this Data Set for the enjoyment and consumption of the public.
This Data Set will be available on the Superintendence’s GIS Interface on the SCH website within six months of the signing of this agreement.