Palazzo Marnisi granted Grade 1 Scheduling

The Superintendence of Cultural Heritage (SCH) is pleased to note the Planning Authority’s (PA) decision to schedule Palazzo Marnisi at Grade 1, the highest degree of protection, following the scheduling proposal by the SCH.
This decision comes after the Conservation and Protection Order issued by the SCH to the owners which obliges them to undertake the necessary works to safeguard and conserve the property. Moreover, it follows the site’s inclusion in the National Inventory, a cultural heritage register curated and compiled by the Superintendence as one of its functions established by the Cultural Heritage Act (CAP 445).
The Palazzo’s inclusion in the SCH’s Inventory and its scheduling by the PA reinforce its inherent cultural heritage value and add a fortified layer of protection that is deserving of this property.
The Superintendence commends the growing awareness and ongoing efforts towards protecting our cultural heritage.