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Closed Vacancies
Executive Officer
- Full Time
- Valletta
The results for this vacancy have been issued and can be found at the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage Reception desk. All candidates will be contacted by email personally.
The Superintendence of Cultural Heritage is looking to increase its workforce by seeking new Executive Officers to be assigned duties relating to the management, protection, promotion, research, conservation, monitoring, and restoration of cultural heritage.
The SCH is the national regulator on all matters relating to cultural heritage on the Maltese Islands, governed by the Cultural Heritage Act of 2002 (as amended). The entity encompasses a range of duties and functions, including, but not limited to:
- Heritage Planning Consultation,
- Built Heritage Restoration Monitoring,
- National Inventory and Scheduling,
- Archaeological Monitoring,
- Archaeological Research and Investigations,
- Underwater Cultural Heritage,
- Monitoring of Movable Cultural Heritage,
- Guardianship for Heritage Sites,
- Policy Development.
The selected candidates will be employed on a full-time basis on any one of the abovementioned roles as determined by the skills and qualifications of the applicants and will be required to work for a minimum of forty (40) hours per week.
Responsibilities/ roles
- Assess and formulate recommendations on cultural heritage permits or development related applications in a timely manner in consideration of possible impact on cultural heritage, which may include discussions/site meetings with periti, other professionals, clients and other entities to formulate a coherent response;
- Assist in processing requests and monitoring of the restoration of movable and immovable cultural heritage assets;
- Assist in the restoration/archaeological surveillance and monitoring of interventions within cultural heritage sensitive sites and cultural heritage objects to ensure that work is undertaken in accordance with standards, permission and conditions issued by the Superintendence;
- Respond to emergency situations, investigate and reply to complaints and alleged illegalities and breaches of conditions imposed in permits and conditions issued by the Superintendence, and any other irregularities counter to the Cultural Heritage Act, and drafting of relative responses to complainants;
- Participate in research and fieldwork to identify Cultural Heritage Assets and carry out the heritage data capture and mapping for the purpose of expanding the existing National Cultural Heritage Inventory;
- Assist in the inspection, tracking and movement of imported, exported or re-exported cultural assets and movement of cultural heritage assets in general;
- Collect data for statistical and report purposes, assist and support the preparation of the State of Heritage Report and the National Forum, the Cultural Heritage Strategy and other matters as deemed necessary.
- Any other duties that might be delegated by the Superintendent for Cultural Heritage according to the exigencies of the office.
Skills & Qualifications
Applicants must be in possession of a recognised first degree (MQF Level 6) subject areas relating to Cultural Heritage, including Archaeology, Anthropology, Architecture, Conservation and Restoration practices, Earth Sciences, Geography, Heritage Science or Management, History, History of Art, Planning or a related area.
Qualifications and/or experience in scuba diving, GIS, ACAD, surveying, and other digital applications would be considered an asset.
Letters of application, including a detailed CV, should be submitted by not later than Wednesday 26th of April 2023 and addressed to:
Director Support Services
(Jobsplus Permit: 273/2023)
Superintendence of Cultural Heritage
173, St. Christopher Street,
Valletta, VLT2000
or via email on: [email protected].
Assistant Executive Officer
- Full Time
- Valletta
Nomenclatures denoting the male gender also include the female gender.
Jobsplus Permit Number 164/2024.
The Director of Support Services invites applications for the post of Assistant Executive Officers at the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage.
The selected candidate will be engaged for a 3-year definite period at the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage.
2. Terms and Conditions
2.1 The selected candidate will be engaged for a 3-year definite period at the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage.
2.2 This appointment is subject to a probationary period of twelve (12) months.
2.3 The salary for the post of Assistant Executive Officer within the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage is equivalent to €25,621 (Twenty-Five Thousand, Six hundred and Twenty-One Euro) per annum, rising by an annual increment of €487 (Four Hundred and Eighty-Seven Euro).
2.4 The appointee must ensure that s/he operates within the framework of the Code of Ethics under Chapter 595 of the Public Administration Act and will not carry any form of work outside of this Employment which may be against the interest of the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage and/or which may lead to a conflict of interest or interfere with the performance of his/her official duties with the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage. Private work invariably necessitates the permission of the Superintendent.
3. Duties and Responsibilities
3.1 The overall purpose of the job
- To assist the line supervisor in the achievement of the agreed objectives in this job description, as set out in the Business Plan and as may be directed by management from time to time as necessary;
- To assist in operations and activities to better care for and manage cultural heritage, to prevent degradation, damage and loss and minimize impacts; to carry out research surveys and investigations; assess proposals, give professional advice and make recommendations; monitor permitted activities, enforce and secure compliance with conditions of the Superintendence and promote cultural heritage through public outreach in compliance with the Cultural Heritage Act; and
- Promote and sustain a service culture to meet the public’s expectations regarding the Superintendence’s responsibilities and corporate image.
- Assess and formulate recommendations on cultural heritage permits or development-related applications in a timely manner in consideration of the possible impact on cultural heritage, which may include discussions/site meetings with periti, other professionals, clients and other entities to formulate a coherent response.
- Assist in processing requests and monitoring the restoration of movable and immovable cultural heritage assets.
- Assist in the restoration/archaeological surveillance and monitoring of interventions within cultural heritage sensitive sites and cultural heritage objects to ensure that work is undertaken in accordance with standards, permission and conditions issued by the Superintendence.
- Respond to emergencies, investigate and reply to complaints and alleged illegalities and breaches of conditions imposed in permits and conditions issued by the Superintendence, and any other irregularities counter to the Cultural Heritage Act, and drafting of relative responses to complainants.
- Participate in research and fieldwork to identify Cultural Heritage Assets and carry out the heritage data capture and mapping to expand the existing National Cultural Heritage Inventory.
- Assist in the inspection, tracking and movement of imported, exported or re-exported cultural assets and movement of cultural heritage assets in general.
- Collect data for statistical and report purposes, assist and support the preparation of the State of Heritage Report and the National Forum, the Cultural Heritage Strategy and other matters as deemed necessary.
- Any other duties that the Superintendent might delegate for Cultural Heritage according to the exigencies of the office.
4. Eligibility, Qualifications and Experience Required
4.1 By closing time and date of this call for applications, applicants must be:
a) Citizens of Malta;
b) Citizens of Member States of the European Union who are entitled to equal treatment to Maltese citizens in matters of Employment by virtue of EU legislation and treaty provisions dealing with the free movement of workers;
c) Citizens of any other country who are entitled to equal treatment to Maltese citizens in matters related to Employment by virtue of the application to that country of EU legislation and treaty provisions dealing with the free movement of workers;
d) Any other persons who are entitled to equal treatment to Maltese citizens in matters related to Employment in terms of the law or the law or the abovementioned EU legislations and treaty provisions, on account of their family relationship with persons mentioned in paragraph (a) (b) or (c);
e) Third-country nationals who have been granted long-term residents’ status in Malta under regulation 4 of the “Status of Long-Term Residents (Third Country Nationals) Regulations, 2006” or who have been granted a residence permit under regulation 18(3) thereof, together with family members of such third-country nationals who have been granted a residence permit under the “Family Reunification Regulations, 2007”;
f) In possession of a residence document issued in terms of the “Residence Status of United Kingdom Nationals and their Family Members in Malta in accordance with the Agreement on the Withdrawal of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community Regulations”. The advice of the Citizenship and Expatriates Department should be sought as necessary in the interpretation of the above provisions. The appointment of candidates referred to at (b), (c), (d) and (e) above would necessitate the issue of an employment license in so far as the Immigration Act and subsidiary legislation require this. The Employment and Training Corporation should be consulted as necessary on this issue.
4.2 By the closing time and date of this call for applications, applicants must be able to communicate verbally and non-verbally in Maltese and English language,
4.3 In possession of:
First degree (MQF 6) in archaeology, anthropology, history of architecture/art, history, spatial planning, architecture, restoration/conservation, heritage management, geography, earth sciences or other disciplines relevant to the work of the Superintendence.
Qualifications higher than that specified above will be accepted for eligibility purposes, provided they meet any specified subject requirements.
4.4 The appointee must have good moral character and be expected to submit a recent (not more than one month) Police Conduct Certificate.
The Superintendence of Cultural Heritage reserves the right to annul the result of the Selection Process of any successful candidate who at any time is found to have an unacceptable criminal record or has been dismissed from any Public Entity.
5. Skills and Experience
- Experience and proficiency with development applications, GIS, ACAD, land surveying, photo editing software, and scuba diving will be considered as an asset.
- Preferably having a Class B Driving Licence.
Skills in research and information analysis, communication and interpersonal skills, creative skills in identifying solutions to issues, time management, quality control, and report writing.
6. Submission of applications
6.1 Qualifications and experience claimed must be supported by certificates and testimonials, scanned copies of which should be attached to the application. Original certificates are to be presented upon interviews.
Applications, together with a detailed curriculum vitae showing qualifications and experience, will be received by email at [email protected] by not later than Friday 19th April 2024 and addressed to the Director Support Services, Superintendence of Cultural Heritage.
Late applications will not be considered.